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/ˈbʌmpɪŋ/ – Noun

Definition: việc thay đổi lịch trình hoặc ưu tiên của một chuyến bay hoặc hành khách một cách bất ngờ và không được thông báo trước.

A more thorough explanation: 1. (also: seat bumping) denying seats, usually on an airline, to passengers with tickets because the airline sold too many tickets which resulted in the flight being oVerbooked
2. where an employee whose job is discontinued is given another employee’s job resulting in the second employee being dismissed

Example: 1. With voluntary bumping, the airline asks for volunteers and they give you free air miles or even a free flight coupon in return for your seat.
2. The Employment Tribunal decided that bumping could give rise to a redundancy payment.


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