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Giải nghĩa:

/biːt/ – Noun/Verb

Definition: 1. hạt, huyện (đơn vị cơ sở của khu, tỉnh ở một số bang miền Nam Hoa Kỳ);
2. khu vực bầu cử;
3. khu vực tuần tra của cảnh sát;
4. đánh đập.

A more thorough explanation: In legal terms, the word “beat” can refer to a specific area or patrol route assigned to a police officer or law enforcement official for regular surveillance and monitoring. It can also be used to describe the physical act of striking or hitting someone, which may have legal implications depending on the context and circumstances in which it occurs.

Example: The defendant was charged with assault for allegedly using excessive force to beat the victim.


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