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Giải nghĩa:

/əˈvɔɪdәns/ – Noun

Definition: 1. việc né tránh, việc lẩn tránh;
2. việc bác bỏ, việc hủy bỏ, việc xóa bỏ, việc tước bỏ hiệu lực pháp lý;
3. việc bác bỏ hiệu lực pháp lý của những lý lẽ do đối phương đưa ra.

A more throughout explanation: Avoidance refers to the act of legally escaping or preventing a duty, obligation, or consequence, typically through a loophole or technicality in the law. It can also refer to the act of intentionally staying away from a particular situation or person to prevent potential harm or conflict.

Example: The company engaged in tax avoidance by exploiting loopholes in the tax code to reduce its tax liability.


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