Từ vựng:

authorized annexation

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈɔːθəraɪzd ˌænɪkˈseɪʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: việc sáp nhập hợp pháp (theo pháp luật, hợp đồng).

A more throughout explanation: Authorized annexation refers to the legal process by which a government entity, such as a city or municipality, formally acquires additional territory or land through a lawful and approved procedure. This typically involves the expansion of the jurisdictional boundaries of the government entity to include the annexed area, thereby subjecting it to the laws, regulations, and services provided by the governing body. The annexation must be authorized by relevant laws, regulations, or governing bodies to be considered valid and legally binding.

Example: The city council authorized the annexation of the neighboring town in order to expand its boundaries.


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