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array of coroner’s jurors

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈəˌreɪ ʌv ˈkɒrənərz ˈdʒʊərz/ – Phrase

Definition: danh sách đoàn bồi thẩm của nhân viên điều tra những vụ chết bất thường.

A more thorough explanation: An “array of coroner’s jurors” refers to a group of individuals selected to serve as jurors in a coroner’s inquest. In legal terms, a coroner’s inquest is a formal inquiry conducted by a coroner to determine the cause of death in cases where the cause is uncertain, suspicious, or unnatural. The array of jurors refers to the pool of individuals from which the final jurors are selected to participate in the inquest proceedings.

Example: The array of coroner’s jurors was carefully selected to ensure a fair and impartial investigation into the cause of death.


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