Từ vựng:

appurtenant easement

Giải nghĩa:

/ˌapərˈteɪnənt ˈiːzmənt/ – Phrase

Definition: quyền địa dịch kèm theo đất, quyền địa dịch kèm theo bất động sản.

A more throughout explanation: An appurtenant easement is a legal right to use another person’s property for a specific purpose, which is attached to and benefits a particular piece of land. This type of easement is typically created to benefit the dominant property (the property that benefits from the easement) and is considered to be a permanent right that runs with the land.

Example: The right of way granted to the neighboring property owner is an appurtenant easement, allowing them access to their land through the driveway of the adjacent property.


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