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Từ vựng:

appeal hearing

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈpiːl ˈhɪərɪŋ/ – Phrase

Definition: xem xét đơn chống án, xét xử vụ án theo đơn chống án, theo trình tự phúc thẩm.

A more thorough explanation: An appeal hearing is a formal proceeding in which a higher court reviews the decision of a lower court or administrative agency in response to a party’s request for a review of the decision. During the appeal hearing, the parties present arguments and evidence to support their positions, and the higher court considers whether the lower court or agency made errors in applying the law or interpreting the facts of the case. The purpose of the appeal hearing is to determine whether the lower court or agency’s decision should be upheld, reversed, or modified.

Example: During the appeal hearing, the defendant’s attorney presented new evidence to support their client’s innocence.


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