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Từ vựng:

annual report

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈænjuəl rɪˈpɔrt/ – Phrase

Definition: Báo cáo hàng năm.

A more thorough explanation: 1. a written account of the activities of a company, department, organisation, or other entity engaged in some kind of business or other activity for the past year. In this sense of the term, the annual report might focus on a particular aspect of that entity’s activities rather than a comprehensive amount of all of its activities.
2. a written account of the financial activities of a company or other organization for the past year

Example: 1. RIGEL shall make a written annual report to STANFORD covering RIGEL’s progress during the preceding year toward commercial use of Licensed Product(s).
2. The Museums Association’s annual report for the year shows that total membership has grown for the sixth consecutive year.


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