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administrative agency relief

Giải nghĩa:

/ˌæd.mɪˈnɪ.strə.tɪv ˈeɪ.dʒə rɪˈlif/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. phương tiện bảo vệ tìm kiếm ở cơ quan hành chính hay do cơ quan hành chính cung cấp;
2. phương tiện bảo vệ của tòa án chống lại hoạt động của cơ quan hành chính.

A more thorough explanation: Administrative agency relief refers to the actions taken by a government agency to provide assistance, support, or remedies to individuals or entities affected by a particular issue or situation within the agency’s jurisdiction. This relief may include various forms of assistance, such as waivers, exemptions, compensation, or other remedies, to address specific concerns or problems raised by individuals or organizations in relation to the agency’s regulations or decisions.

Example: The administrative agency granted relief to the company by waiving the penalty for the late submission of the required documents.


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