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Từ vựng:

actionable per se

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈækʃənəbəl pər ˈseɪ/ – Phrase

Definition: tự nó cần phải kiện (không liên quan đến những tình tiết phụ thực tế).

A more thorough explanation: “Actionable per se” refers to a situation where a legal claim or cause of action is inherently or automatically recognized as valid without the need to prove specific damages. In other words, the conduct or harm in question is considered inherently wrongful or harmful under the law, and therefore gives rise to a legal claim regardless of whether actual damages are proven.

Example: The defamatory statement made by the defendant was considered actionable per se, as it clearly imputed a serious crime to the plaintiff without the need for further proof of damages.


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