Từ vựng:

action in personam

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈækʃən ɪn ˌpɜrsəˈnæm/ – Phrase

Definition: kiện đòi chấp hành nghĩa vụ. (Hành động pháp lý đối với cá nhân hoặc tổ chức cụ thể)

A more throughout explanation: In legal terms, an action in personam refers to a legal proceeding that is brought against a specific individual or entity, seeking to enforce a claim or remedy against that particular person or entity. This type of action is based on the personal liability of the defendant and aims to establish the rights and obligations between the parties involved.

Example: In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff filed an action in personam against the defendant, seeking damages for breach of contract.


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