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/əˈkwɪtәns/ – Verb

Definition: 1. viễ xử trắng án, thừa nhận vô tội;
2. tha miễn (trách nhiệm, nghĩa vụ);
3. thanh toán, trả hết nợ.
4. giấy biên nhận, biên lai (của chủ nợ xác nhận đã nhận đủ tiền trả nợ).

A more throughout explanation: Acquittance is a legal term that refers to a written document or receipt that confirms the discharge or release of a debt, obligation, or claim. It serves as evidence that the obligation has been fulfilled or settled.

Example: After the trial, the defendant was given an acquittance, confirming that they were found not guilty of the charges.


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