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acquiescence in custom

Giải nghĩa:

/ˌækwiˈɛsəns ɪn ˈkʌstəm/ – Pharse

Definition: việc mặc nhiên đồng ý với tính chất bắt buộc của tập quán đối với các bên tham gia hợp đồng.

A more thorough explanation: Acquiescence in custom refers to the legal concept where an individual or entity accepts or complies with a particular custom or practice over a period of time, thereby implying their consent or agreement to be bound by that custom. This acceptance or compliance may be demonstrated through actions, behavior, or inaction, and can result in the establishment of a customary practice that is recognized and enforced by law.

Example: The court found that the defendant’s acquiescence in custom by consistently accepting late payments from the tenant established a new agreement between the parties.


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