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Từ vựng:

according to the tenor

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈkɔːrdɪŋ tʊ ðə ˈtɛnə/ – Prepositional Phrase

Definition: 1. theo ý nghĩa chung (của văn bản);
2. nhằm mục đích, nhằm, để.

A more thorough explanation: “According to the tenor” is a legal term that refers to interpreting a document or agreement based on the overall meaning or intent of the text as a whole, rather than focusing on specific words or Pharses in isolation. It means considering the general sense or purpose of the document in order to determine its legal effect or implications.

Example: Contractual Clause: “The parties agree to perform their obligations under this Agreement according to the tenor thereof.” Meaning: The parties will fulfill their contractual duties in a way that is consistent with the overall spirit and intention of the agreement.


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