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Từ vựng:

abuse of (civil) process

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈbjuːz əv ˈsɪvəl ˈprɒsɛs/ – Pharse

Definition: lạm dụng trình tự tố tụng dân sự; sử dụng thủ tục xét xử vào những mục đích phi pháp; phát đơn kiện thực sự vô căn cứ, không trung thực.

A more thorough explanation: refers to the wrongful or improper use of civil legal procedures, such as lawsuits or court orders, to harass, intimidate, or cause harm to another person. It often involves using legal processes for purposes other than their intended use or in a way that is vexatious or oppressive.

Example: A person repeatedly files frivolous lawsuits against their neighbor, making false accusations and causing significant emotional distress and financial burden. This could be considered an abuse of civil process.


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