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Từ vựng:

absolute privilege

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈæbsəˌlut ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. đặc quyền tuyệt đối;
2. quyền miễn trừ tuyệt đối.

A more thorough explanation: In legal terms, absolute privilege refers to a legal immunity that protects certain individuals, such as government officials or witnesses, from being held liable for statements made during official proceedings or duties, even if those statements are defamatory or otherwise harmful. This privilege is considered absolute and cannot be challenged or overcome in a court of law.

Example: In a court of law, witnesses are granted absolute privilege when testifying, meaning they cannot be sued for defamation based on their statements made during the legal proceedings.


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