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/əˈbændənmənt/ – Noun

Definition: 1. Việc từ bỏ, khước từ (quyền, yêu sách)
2. Việc bỏ rơi, ruồng bỏ, bỏ hoang (vợ, con, tài sản)
3. Việc từ bỏ quyền đối với đối tượng bảo hiểm và chuyển quyền đó cho công ty bảo hiểm
4. Việc bỏ, cai, rời bỏ, bỏ lại.

A more thorough explanation: the voluntary relinquishment of a right, interest, or property without intending to reclaim it. It often involves a clear intent to permanently forsake something.

Example: 1. Property: A homeowner who stops paying property taxes and maintaining a house for several years might be considered to have abandoned it.
2. Child: A parent who consistently fails to provide care, support, or supervision for a child can be accused of child abandonment.
3. Contract: If one party to a contract consistently fails to perform their obligations without justification, the other party might claim abandonment of the contract.


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