Từ vựng:

character certificate

Giải nghĩa:

/kəˈræktər ˈsɝtəfɪkət/ – Phrase

Definition: giấy chứng nhận của cảnh sát về hạnh kiểm, giấy xác nhận của cảnh sát về khả năng tin cậy, giấy chứng nhận xét quá trình thi hành nghĩa vụ quân sự.

A more throughout explanation: A character certificate is a document issued by a competent authority, such as a school, employer, or government agency, that attests to an individual’s good moral character, behavior, and reputation. It is often required for various purposes, such as employment, education, immigration, or legal proceedings, to provide assurance of the individual’s trustworthiness and integrity.

Example: A character certificate is a document issued by a school or employer attesting to an individual’s good conduct and moral character.


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