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/tʃeər/ – Noun

Definition: 1. vị trí chủ tịch, chủ tọa;
2. chủ tịch;
3. ghế điện;
4. vị trí của nhân chứng trước tòa;
5. chức vụ thẩm phán;
6. cương vị chủ tịch hạ nghị viện.

A more thorough explanation: In a legal context, the term “chair” typically refers to the presiding officer of a meeting, committee, or organization who is responsible for maintaining order, facilitating discussions, and ensuring that proper procedures are followed. The chair is often tasked with making decisions on procedural matters and may have the authority to cast a deciding vote in the event of a tie.

Example: The chair of the committee called the meeting to order.


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